Women’s Spotlight: Ardha Moon

Ellen Larson, Ardha Moon Yoga
Ellen Larson opened Ardha Moon Yoga in April of 2013. For the first several years the studio was located in South Lansing, but moved to the Holt location in October of 2019. Ellen absolutely loves the new location. “We are a smaller studio which allows us to provide a more personal experience. Our instructors are passionate about helping people feel better in their own bodies. We do our best to help our clients identify both strength and weakness in their own bodies,” said Larson. “We truly want to create a safe space. We encourage questions and laughter. We offer a westernized version of the practice of yoga. We believe your time on your mat is personal. We simply want to offer you a judgement free space for you to step onto it.”
How did you know you wanted to own your own business?
“Honest answer, I needed a space where I could focus on what I felt were my strengths. I needed a space where I would be challenged. I needed a space where I could constantly grow. My mind never stops moving and I’m always creating something. Sometimes this process can be a very magical thing and sometimes it can just be an adorable mess. I knew I would need my own space to figure out what it was I was trying to do and be. I needed to take a chance on myself.”
What do you enjoy most about owning your own business?
“Selfish answer, the people it has brought into my life. Just like everyone else, I have days were maybe I’m not feeling super positive. Frankly, sometimes I am just exhausted. I also work full-time so I literally run from one space I love to the other. But, on the days when I’m just not feeling it, that room and the energy brought to it by our friends/clients, just brings me back. I have never left the practice room feeling worse than I did walking in.”
Do you have a specific woman or group of women you look up to?
“This is a tough question for me because there are several women I look up to. I was raised by and am surrounded by very strong women. Every single day, without fail, one of their stories shows me inspiring strength. Every day I am reminded of ways I can be or do better. Every day I am supported, and loved, and reminded it’s okay to fall down.”
What advice would you give to other women who want to own their own business?
“I personally am a huge fan of hosting newer yoga instructors at our studio. I knew nothing about business when I started out, and trust me, I made some not so great decisions. Our studio is structured in a way so we can share the lessons we have learned and “mentor” new instructors while providing them with freedom to figure out their own strengths. I don’t believe in one size fits all and providing a safe environment to experiment and grow is a must.”
“I would tell any woman considering opening her own business to ‘Keep your eyes and ears open.’ You are going to be tired and you are going to want to give up a million times. There will be ideas you will think are amazing and they will flop. There will be moments when you will just want to cry and you will doubt yourself. Be open to feedback and be willing to make changes. Open your business knowing all of these things and remind yourself daily that you are worth every single chance you are taking.”
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
“My hubby and I are experiencing our first year as empty nesters so we are currently figuring the answer to this question out. “Free time” is a new concept for us. But, we both love to cook and visiting Farmers’ Markets on weekend mornings is fast becoming a must. Anything outdoors also tops the list. Sitting on a boat, just floating, no phones, without a to-do list is my reset button. Spending more time with those I love is the gift I gave myself this year. So far, this gift is proving to be the best gift ever.”