Olive & Ivy

Olive & Ivy

Local floral shop gets new name and new look

A local flower shop has the unique vantage point of being there for people’s whole life experience – from new baby congratulatory bouquets to graduation arrangements to wedding decorations to end of life flowers, they’re there for it all. And that’s something the new owner of Olive and Ivy Company of Holt understands.

Crystal Hunter is the new owner of Olive and Ivy, a floral design and boutique company. She served for several years as the manager of what was formerly known as Wild Strawberry, but recently had the opportunity to purchase the shop. Hunter has done more than change the name of the shop though, she and her team have created a whole new experience, focused on their relationship with their customers.

“We like to be your friend, not just your florist,” says Hunter. “We like to sit down and get to know our families, and that doesn’t mean just brides. It can also be families that have lost a loved one and are grieving. We encourage families to bring in unique personal items to be included in the flowers. We don’t duplicate cookie cutter arrangements that you might see online. We like everyone to feel like they are getting something custom and unique.”

Olive and Ivy has done this by adding a boutique shopping environment at the front of the shop where people can purchase other gifts and add-ons to their arrangements. They have also added a lounge where they like to meet with their customers and really get to know them to design truly unique arrangements for them.

Hunter and her team also keep up-to-date on the latest floral and arrangement trends to deliver what their customers are most looking for. Olive and Ivy has an online shopping experience on their website where customers can order their boutique items. For those who might have been familiar with the old shop, Hunter encourages them to give Olive and Ivy a try as the look, feel and offerings of the shop are all different.

She’ll also be opening up the shop for special events such as classes, with plans to collaborate with other vendors on special pop-up events. Collaboration and networking are two aspects of what Hunter enjoys most of being in the Holt community.

“Moving and transitioning to the business in Holt has opened the door to a lot of  opportunities for networking with other businesses and women-owned businesses. It’s been nice to have people to rely on…and collaborate with your neighbor down the street on something to make both your businesses a success. We’ve been seeing the community grow here…That’s nice to feel we have other like minded businesses who want to grow and be successful and thrive.”

Olive and Ivy is located at 2018 Cedar Street in Holt, oliveandivyco.com, 517.889.5412. They are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.